What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Saturday, February 9, 2008


This has been a long week. A very long week to be exact. Teags' being sick was just the beginning. I'm not sure why I feel so exhausted but I do. 
I don't have much to post tonight, so how about some pics of the kiddos. I know, kinda boring but that's all I can think of for now. 
Here is a shot of both kids right around the 5 month mark. They both have some cheek lovin' going on! 


Ashley said...

sweet, sweet babies! i just want to reach into the screen and pinch those little cheeks! i can't wait to see Teags again (and Koren, too - of course!).


mimi deb said...

Cute chins and cheeks. i can't believe how much they look alike. of course, they are the cutest kids ever!!