What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Monday, February 25, 2008

i'm thinking CPS should be notified :)

with a title like that i'm sure you are wondering the story behind it. 
My son.....what can I say about Koren. Well he's an extremely clever, unique, creative, outgoing, smart, active little boy. He's also bossy, manipulative, sassy, and defiant. I know that most of those traits are common for two year olds, but today was a day of pushing me to THE LIMIT! It all started off just fine, we slept in, had some breakie, and played hard at open play gym. After play gym we went to the YMCA so I could workout and he played great in the daycare area. Then we met Justin for lunch & we proceeded to enjoy a nice and calm lunch. THEN... out of nowhere he bolts down the stairs at Jeepers and runs RIGHT OUT THE FRONT DOOR (yes, like right next to one of the busiest streets in town). I quickly drop everything i'm holding, chase after him, yank him from behind and drag his butt into the car for a very harsh scolding. He smiles...ahhhhh I think the best part of that was that he did all this right in front of a group of child social workers having a lunch meeting. ha. they should have taken him away right then. So, we get home and I say that it's naptime, he says plainly NO. ok, one cartoon then naptime. Well 4 cartoons later (2 hours) still no nap, he has become even more sassy and tells me that I NEED A TIMEOUT! Wait a minute, he did not just say what I think he said...ah ok so I resort to a form of punishment that I have practiced once before and I feel like if I do it again I really need to call for help. I stuck him in his carseat, in the car, with the lights out in the garage. I left him there for ten minutes! I just couldn't look at him. But the worst part of all, when I went out to talk with him about his behavior all he did was look up at me with his big brown eyes and say, " i'm sorry mommy i no be a naughty boy anymore, i be a goodboy." GUILT- that's what I felt next. I guess this is just life with a two year old right????


Anonymous said...

OMG...Mary this is too funny. But you are right on one thing. Life with a 2 year old can be very difficult. Especially when they get to be smart and try to manipulate the situation! They are constantly testing us to see what they can get away with! I'd like to tell you it get's better....but so far for us, 3 has been harder!
Good luck, and thanks again for working out! I'm going again tomarrow if you're game!

Anonymous said...

Mary, That story is soooo funny. But in the end you just can't help but melt when he says he is sorry. I am thinking about starting a blog.... Any great tips?I need to find a catchey (sp?) name. My family back home would sure love it. Amy S

Anonymous said...

Don't forget when you dragged him to the car he smacked you in the head :-)

Ashley said...

you gotta do what you gotta do! i have to agree with kaila - three isn't that easy either! : ) sorry!

Sara said...

Mary I love you...I can totally imagine you and Kor! I also like how Justin is adding more to the story. You are extremely patient and such a good mom, just remember that!

Anonymous said...

He's an angel and Mary is one of the very best Mommies ever.