What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Monday, February 4, 2008

my favorite time of day


I'm not sure if it's the sweet little voice telling me he's a scuba diver looking for sharks, or the wonderful smell of a spiffy clean baby that I like more, but I just  love, love, love bathtime. 

Although the last couple of baths around here have been full of Vicks Vapor bath in an attempt to head off a nasty cold, I look forward to this special time each night. 


Ashley said...

so cute! H & D just had their first bath together the other day -they both LOVED it! Holland still talks about that bath she had with Koren "when I was two"!

Anonymous said...

They both look so happy and clean!! I wish I could have been there to play with all the bubbles.

Unknown said...

This is so weird that you posted bath time because I was sitting there in my bathroom today (sorry, probably TMI :) thinking I might take your advice and frame some pics of the kids at bath time. We LOVE bathtime too...especially Mia. She can hear the bath water running from miles away! Preston likes what he calls a "shower bath." We will feel the water up in the tub, pull the plug and then turn the shower on. Not very conservative as far as saving water goes but he loves it! Anyways, I love your pics...your kiddos are so precious!

erin said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the link...pretty neat to see my name over there with some AWESOME talent! You made my day! :)