What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Sunday, February 3, 2008

5 great things to do while watching the superbowl

  1.  EAT - Justin & I have been really making a change to our diet this past month and today we through it all to the side and have enjoyed every bit of football munchies. 
  2. Clean, throughout the game I have been able to clean odds and ends around the house. 
  3. Scrapbook
  4. Sleep!! I have no problem catching a cat nap during the game. It's funny how I can snooze through the boys jumping up and down and yelling at television. 
  5. play on the computer and come up with super cute pics of Teags in her tutu..haha she is so going to get me back one day!!


Ashley said...

did you really scrapbook?

another cute pic - love the tutu!


Unknown said...

LOVE the tutu...and the little one wearing it!