What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

it's 10pm and here's my ten

  1. We just got done watching American Idol. I def. have my favorites and am looking forward to seeing how the show pans out. 
  2. Still can't figure out putting video on blogger. Does anyone have any input?? I might have to ask Jus to tinker with it. Koren riding the chairlift if something everyone just has to see! 
  3. The UPS women brought me my wonderful new stroller. Koren & I put it together and now we are just itching to go for a walk. With the super sunny and a little warmer weather I think we will be at the loop trail first thing after gymnastics tomorrow. For sure. 
  4. My soccer team kicked butt tonight! It was a really scrappy game with a team that was not so nice, but man that just makes winning even better. Next Tuesday we play for the championship. How STINKIN' cool is that! I just love soccer nights. I love how much energy I have afterwards and how great it feels to have sore muscles the next day. 
  5. Teags is now officially crib-trained. Ha, that makes me think of a puppy sleeping in a crate. But for real, every night down like  a champ to a little Jack Johnson and her cool mist humidifier. 
  6. Today I broke out the sewing machine and wiped a little dust off the top. I picked up a handful of super cool, fun, hip & modern fabric over the weekend an am determined to replicate some samurai pants and onesies that I just ordered off of Etsy last week. I figure spending thirty dollars on something that I can make is just silly. The only problem is, is that I really cannot sew. I am learning, and a good thing is I'm a fast learner. I monogrammed a onesie today with a big T in my favorite brown pattern fabric. I'll take a pic and post soon. 
  7. Why is it that we consistently have a TON of laundry. I swear my life revolves around the washer and dryer. I think back to living in Australia and only being able to wash clothes twice a week then having to line dry everything! Man, if they only new how much energy I use up on a weeks worth of clothes...good thing we live on one of the worlds best energy producing rivers
  8. If you have ever thought about starting a blog, now is the time friends and family! It took me forever to make that first leap and i'm just lovin' it! Join the bandwagon and we can all be blog buddies...hahaha i'm in a super corny mood tonight. 
  9. My dog is a wee bit smelly, I think he needs a trip to Petco soon. We just love the groomer, Brandy, so if you are ever needing a good recommendation for an awesome pet-loving person she is the stuff! 
  10. I'm going to leave ya all with a lovely little pic of my girly sittin' up and giving a nice big grin! Have a great week!!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

oh my gosh! when did miss teags start sitting up? (i may have known this if you would ever send an email again!) just kidding - sorta!

i just don't want you to think that blogging is the ONLY way to communicate!