What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Friday, June 27, 2008

I've been tagged

My dear friend Ashley tagged me yesterday to post 6 quirks about me that you might not know. 
These are the rules: 

The Rules:
1. Link the person(s) who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow 
bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’
ve been tagged

  1. I'm a nail biter. Big time. I've tried and tried and tried to stop, but it's really just not going to happen. If you haven't noticed by now I have ridiculously small & fat thumbs, and the fact that I am unable to let even the littlest nail grow above flesh just makes matters even worse! 
  2. I'm absolutely addicted to the internet. Seriously, if I have to feed Teags in the middle of the night I'll run down and check to see if anyone has posted anything interesting on their blogs or for some crazy reason sent me a 3am email. Is there a rehab program for this? 
  3. Probably one of my most bizarre quirks is the fact that if my feet are bare I cannot stand, or even think of another persons bare feet touching mine. Justin will try this out just to torture me and it almost brings me to the point of vomiting. Can't handle it. At all. 
  4. I horde cash. It's silly but I'll never use all the cash I have in my wallet at one place. If it means that I throw down a $20.00 and debit $10.00 even though I have another $20.00 bill in my wallet...I always have some crazy justified reason for this, but I can't come up with it right now. 
  5. I have a few "mama" quirks and here's a quick rundown on a few: 
  • character clothing is almost forbidden. unless it was from a special mimi for a special occations and will be worn to that special mimi's home
  • no pj's are to be worn out of the house, we have too many articles of clothing that need to worn
  • I watch K color in coloring books because it hurts me to see him color outside the lines (yes, I know he's only 3)
  • the Wiggles are banned from any television in our home-long story
6. I am always early. NEVER late, and if i'm late that I'm really having a bad day. I'm sure I inherited this trait from my dad.

Alright friends, I wanna know your quirks. Katie, Pauline, Libby, Sara, & Melissa you've officially been tagged!


Matt, Mel, Josh and Caleb said...

so i did the task :) i don't know how to link the websites to the names tho. help??

bellytobaby said...

great - i'm barely getting used to this thing, now i have to "tag"??? :) here i go...only prob is that you tagged the only other bloggers i know!

Katie said...

Hey thanks! I'm with Pauline. I don't know any other bloggers either except for a couple. I will do my best. Oh how I love these things. When I started reading your blog I thought, "oh crap", because I knew I would be tagged. O.K., I will lighten up and have fun.