What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Monday, June 30, 2008

104 degrees

was the current temp at 4pm today. ouch, that's just a bit too hot for me. I'm such a winter kinda girl that this heat really makes me uncomfortable. 

Friday & Sunday we spent a few hours each down at the river. Koren & Teagan don't realize how lucky they are that we can go from our house to the beach in 15 minutes. That's one of the reasons why I love, love, love Wenatchee. 

Saturday Koren had a day at Papo's house and Justin, Teags and I went to Seattle for a bit of shopping and searching. Searching for the perfect couch and car. We didn't find either. Kinda of a bummer but we just need to go browsing again, soon! I did score on some stuff for the kiddos as well as Justin but it was almost too hot to even shop. That's right you heard me! Too stinkin' hot! 

Another busy week with lots to post! Check back soon. 

(sorry about the crummy pics, my point and shoot camera stinks)

Friday, June 27, 2008

I've been tagged

My dear friend Ashley tagged me yesterday to post 6 quirks about me that you might not know. 
These are the rules: 

The Rules:
1. Link the person(s) who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 fellow 
bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’
ve been tagged

  1. I'm a nail biter. Big time. I've tried and tried and tried to stop, but it's really just not going to happen. If you haven't noticed by now I have ridiculously small & fat thumbs, and the fact that I am unable to let even the littlest nail grow above flesh just makes matters even worse! 
  2. I'm absolutely addicted to the internet. Seriously, if I have to feed Teags in the middle of the night I'll run down and check to see if anyone has posted anything interesting on their blogs or for some crazy reason sent me a 3am email. Is there a rehab program for this? 
  3. Probably one of my most bizarre quirks is the fact that if my feet are bare I cannot stand, or even think of another persons bare feet touching mine. Justin will try this out just to torture me and it almost brings me to the point of vomiting. Can't handle it. At all. 
  4. I horde cash. It's silly but I'll never use all the cash I have in my wallet at one place. If it means that I throw down a $20.00 and debit $10.00 even though I have another $20.00 bill in my wallet...I always have some crazy justified reason for this, but I can't come up with it right now. 
  5. I have a few "mama" quirks and here's a quick rundown on a few: 
  • character clothing is almost forbidden. unless it was from a special mimi for a special occations and will be worn to that special mimi's home
  • no pj's are to be worn out of the house, we have too many articles of clothing that need to worn
  • I watch K color in coloring books because it hurts me to see him color outside the lines (yes, I know he's only 3)
  • the Wiggles are banned from any television in our home-long story
6. I am always early. NEVER late, and if i'm late that I'm really having a bad day. I'm sure I inherited this trait from my dad.

Alright friends, I wanna know your quirks. Katie, Pauline, Libby, Sara, & Melissa you've officially been tagged!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

4 years ago today

I married my best friend. 

3 months after that we were pregnant with Koren. 

3 years after that, along came Teagan. 

In between all that we've lived in two cities, had two houses, one apartment, and lots of laughs. 

We've traveled a bit. We've landscaped a lot. We've had very trying and scary days. 

I can only hope this next year of marriage will be as great as the last 4! 

I love you Justin, like the moon loves the stars:) 

oh yeah, i'm also enjoying a great birthday today thanks
 to my wonderful friends and family. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

ten on tuesday

  1. I think this post will be, again, a bit random. It's fun to chronicle what i'm doing on a daily basis for my own sake, so i'm sorry if your reading this and getting a bit bored. I have really enjoyed blogging and if any my friends and family would ever get on the bandwagon i'm sure they would enjoy it too! 
  2. This one's for Ivy: Koren has delcared his love for your daugher, Irelyn. He told me last night that he loved her and wanted to marry her. Now this makes me laugh, because seriously, they have played together like twice! We stopped by Seeds this morning and the first thing he asked was if Irelyn was going to be there...ahh she must be his summer crush. 
  3. This morning I made the dreaded WalMart trip. There were a few essentials that I absolutely had to have and Wallyworld was on the way. We are trying to purchase the Wii Fit program and of course every store in the Wenatchee Valley is sold out. So if ANYONE sees it somewhere please let me know. Thanks. 
  4. I have a ton of photo editing to catch up on before this Saturday which is another wedding and even more editing time added to the stack. I used to dream of being this busy and wonder if that day would ever come and now i'm booking Christmas card sessions- in JUNE! I'm blessed to have some great friends who in turn have great friends that pass my name and business around. Thanks guys, you know who you are! 
  5. Teags and I just got finished baking a cake! That's right you heard me, and from SCRATCH! I'm not drunk, i'm not crazy, just ambitious. Baking is something i'm plain not good at, BUT I figured i'd give it a shot. Rachel Ray had a recent recipe for a golden cake and yummy vanilla frosting. So right now the frosting is ready and the cakes (2 9inch round) are cooling. Tonight I'm going to fancy them up, take a pic, and force everyone to try a piece. I'll let you know how it goes :) 
  6. Koren and Justin just left to go deliver some rock to Shane & Hanna's place. Koren was excited to ride in the "big" truck with dad...I'm excited to have a sorta-kinda quiet house. T is busy playing at her learning table. It makes me think back to when Koren played at the table for hours. I'll have to dig up an old photo here sometime. 
  7. Well I didn't make it to ten as our Papa Murphy's pizza is ready to come out of the oven. I'm off tomorrow morning with my mom, Sara, and Barb to the Solcice day spa and boutique hotel for a day and night of pampering and fun! 

Monday, June 16, 2008

Dad's Day 2008

We decided that since the weather was cooperating and we couldn't take the boat out (because Justin hurt his back golfing) that we would take a mini road trip up to Lake Chelan for the day. Koren has been in love with the beach scene ever since our trip to California so he had a blast. I believe Teags was pretty impressed as well by the way she giggled every time the water would rush over her toes. 

When it was time for T's nap we headed home so that Koren could still enjoy the sun in his back yard pool and slip&slide. My greatest memory from Father's Day 2008 has to be that of Justin trying to show Koren how to run and slide on his belly down the slip and slide....oh I wish I had a picture...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

mmm mmm good

I have a million photos of the kids, thought I would mix it up a bit :) 

a fun recent purchase of of etsy, I think the flower is almost as big as her head. 
Koren helped me with dinner tonight, well sorta. 

I just got done making Rachel Ray's smashed red potatoes (with bacon) and barbeque chicken and now i'm waiting for J to get home from yet ANOTHER round of golf. I told him this morning that by the amount of golf he's been playing lately he should be walking on to the PGA tour soon.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It has been some time now since i've posted a bit of randomness so how about I put together a little list: 

  • just ordered this, have heard lots of great reviews
  • tonight is soccer tots, which is a a soccer team for 3 & 4 year olds. koren participated last year in the 18month-3 year old group and spent the majority of the time climbing the near by trees. i'm still not sure if he's the group-sport kind of kid as he's more into adventure sports such as skiing, rock-climbing(ha), jeep-driving, and pretty much anything else that qualifies as dangerous. 
  • some guy in a beat up old car just ran up my drive way and i barley beat him to the door just before he was going to ring the doorbell (the kids are sleeping and i would have taken off his head) to ask me if i wanted to pay him $50.00 to paint our address on the curb in front of the house. WHAT THE??? yeah, no thanks dude! 
  • my garage sell loot is quickly dwindling. i took koren to the craft wharehouse yesterday to stock up his art box and found myself buying heaps of fabrics for projects that i can only hope to one day actually finish
  • after soccer tonight is moms in motion and i'm super excited. i'm not sure if it's the fact that i get to get out of the house or if it's that i really do enjoy running. i'm mostly looking forward to completing our first race and then i'm sure i'll be hooked. this is week two so let's hope for a big crowd tonight. 
  • next week one of by bestest friends is coming back for a week long visit and our moms are taking us up to leavenworth for a night and a day at the spa. i have never experienced more than a single spa treatment at a whack so i'm counting down the minutes to a whole day devoted to self rejuvenation and meals without my darling kiddos
  • last night i came up with the perfect father's day surpise which makes me giggle knowing that i'll actually surprise J for once
how was that for some randomness? 

now i'm off to pick up before the carpet guy get's here to measure for our new carpet (soooooo excited) and maybe a little afternoon reality t.v. 


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


with blogger! 

Katie, you are not the only one having issues tonight as Blogger is refusing to upload any of my new fun photos...errrrr

Sunday, June 8, 2008

sniff sniff

that is what i've been doing ALL DAY! So this weekend got off to a great start with T on Friday night feeling cruddy and waking up every hour all night long, leading into a great Saturday garage sale at Ivy's. I finally feel like our garage has some purpose other than storing assorted baby clothes and various forms of infant entertainment. After the garage sale I was tuckered out and went to bed early as Justin headed off to a friends bachelor party. I woke up this a.m. feeling totally under the weather. Head cold, aches, and overall just plain tired. I was hoping that throughout the day I would feel better, but just the opposite I feel worse. I missed our group hike tonight which really was a bummer as it's only our third meeting. I promise i'll be up and running (literally) on Wednesday. 

So thanks for letting me sob to all of you, Justin won't let me whine to him. Here's to a great week! 

(t has learned the sign for "more" and whenever there is food present she will show you that she really does want MORE!)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kor Ry at 3

here is what is happening in the life of Koren @ the fun age of THREE : 
nicknames: Kor, monkey butt, kk, dude, k-man, brother
height/weight: 29 pounds, 36 inches 
what's new in the past year: became a big brother Sept. 07, loved to go skiing at Mission Ridge, has learned to love "spendanights" at misc. grandparents, has traveled to southern California, has become his mommy's sous chef, mastered his abc's, counting in English & Spanish, singing, outdoor games, and has found a new love for hoses & sprinklers :) POTTY TRAINED!!!
favorite foods: Cheetos (don't laugh, i know it's bad), poppyseed muffins, cheese squares...really he eats anything and everything in small portions
current buddies: Matthew, Preston, Austin, Teagan (is becoming a favorite)
fav. activities: goofing around the house with mom, playing board games, driving his jeep, helping mommy cook dinner & bake, having playdates at the park, going to Target and helping Dad work oustide

You are such a delightful, fun, energetic, imaginative little dude. Thank you for always putting a smile on our faces and being the happy-go-lucky kid that your are! We love you like a fish loves water :) 

Mom & Dad

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

my little buddy is THREE

some random snapshots of my little junebug from the past three years...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Miss T @ 9 months

  • Nine months brings this little 22 pounder some new tricks
  • cruising, well sorta-kinda. T is pulling up to ANYTHING she can get her hands on and moving her way around the furniture and learning table. 
  • SLEEP, I think she has finally settled into a good sleep pattern. T is going down for the night between 6:30-7:15pm and sleeping until around 6am. Typically she is then ready for a morning nap close to 9am then again after lunch for a couple of hours.
  • SMILES and LAUGHTER, especially for her oh-so-funny big brother (he will have his big birthday post tomorrow). I am loving all the giggles and sweet expressions Teags is giving off lately. 
  • EATING everything.....and then some. Recent favorites include corn on the cob, enchiladas, garbanzo and pinto beans, yogurt, pineapple...seriously this girl can eat! 
  • Still not crawling, or even trying. I have a feeling she will be toddling instead of crawling.

I just love this little girly, she has been such a joy in our lives and i'm not sure what life was like before Two Silly Little Monkeys!