What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Sunday, March 2, 2008

what a weekend

WOW!~ it's almost Monday again. I have no idea what happened this past week. It sorta just disappeared. The past few days have been a little crazy here is the run down: 
  • Thursday night- we headed to Seattle after a quick stop in North Bend. I decided that the outlets have lost a little bit of the excitement that they used to have. It all seems to look like the same stuff in the reg. stores and the same price range as well. I think it was the wrong time of year for outlet shopping and i need to hit them up again at the end of a season. 
  • Friday- Justin was at his education deal so the kids and I headed to Southcenter. We played at the mall for a bit then moved down the road to IKEA. I told just a "little white lie" about Koren's age so he could play in the kids area while Teag's and I shopped. It was HEAVEN. We were there for almost THREE hours! I really really love that place! 
  • Saturday- Belly to Baby store opening. I worked all day and had a fantastic time. My mother was so proud of my retail skills, i think it was the Flanigan in me shining through. On top of selling heaps of merchandise I booked up a calendar full of photo shoots for the coming months. Yay! I'm really looking forward to this adventure in Maternity/Baby store stuff. I feel like it's the perfect fit for me! Teagan was my little sidekick the entire day, and I think she is the reason for half of the stuff I sold. I had her in an Ergo carrier and I must admit that thing ROCKS! For holding a 17 pounder all day I don't think you could find something better. 
  • Today- I had a wonderful photo shoot this morning with little Callahan. He was 3 weeks old and just as cute as could be! We were going to ski after that but decided that with the wind we should just go out to lunch insteat- ha! After lunch we headed up to the driving range for a little golf and back home for a kiddy nap. good day. 
  • tomorrow is K's first day of preschool and teag's 6 month mark! I'll have lots to post so stay tuned!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

What a weekend! It sounds like lots of fun and good times with miss Teagan.