What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i know i'm late, but here's my ten

  1. T is sick...again. Everything that she had before that took a week to build up has hit overnight. She is wheezy and coughing like crazy. Tonight will be a touch and go kinda night and we might be making a trip to the ER if she doesn't get some sleep. ahh this girl, I just pray that this is if for the season. 
  2. I never mentioned Koren's first day of preschool, it went GREAT! He has been asking to go back all week. He will go again on Friday and to him that's just not soon enough. 
  3. I went for quite the run today. I have two friends who are both runners and i'm super eager to try it out. I've always been athletic, but two kids sure takes a toll. I think Justin & I are both going to run the 10k portion of the Wenatchee Marathon/half marathon. I was thinking that I could do the half, but I would rather start small and work up to something bigger and better. Justin is all for joining me, which in the words of K "makes me happy!" 
  4. It was absolutely GORGEOUS today!  After our run the kids and I played outside for a bit. I swear I could have broke out a pair of shorts this afternoon. I have some traveling days coming up so let's just hope that this weather keeps up and winter doesn't come bite us in the butt. 
  5. I am in a sewing slump already. I still have everything sitting out on our bar but with my new "job" I just can't get it together. I love that I have excuses for everything. Basically i've just been too dang lazy. I feel like when I'm home I tend to either gravitate towards the computer or the kitchen.hmm. I'm sure the urge will return so for now the sewing machine looks just fine on the counter. 
  6. Blogger is driving me nuts!!!! I have taken some new video clips with my new Flip camera and I started the upload process and AGAIN- ERROR!!! I couldn't freakin believe it! Then it says to contact blogger with such and such issue and I swear I tried for FOREVER and can't even figure out how to contact them. It's all troubleshooting bs and no real contact info. HELP! 
  7. Have any of my blog readers jumped into blogville?? If you have, please send me a link to YOUR blog so I can add them to my fav. list. 
  8. Today I booked THREE more shoots for this coming month/early Spring. That makes around 8 for the week. CRAZY. BUSY. FUN!!! Can't wait! 
  9. I think Teags' is out, I don't hear her little smoker sounding lungs (totally a smoke-free house) and her monitor is not lighting up. 
  10. We lost last night a soccer. It was kinda a bummer. We were missing a bunch of our guys and we couldn't pull it together. Still fun, and still a good workout. Next week will rock it! 
Have a super fantastic Thursday and tune in for some fun Etsy finds. 
night night


Ashley said...

good for you for running! i start my bloomsday training tomorrow - are you in? or is the wenatchee race gonna take first priority?

just curious - no pressure! : )

sorry to hear teags is sick again -YUCK.

Sara said...

I am also working on doing a run later this spring (10 miles)! I don't know if I'll make it but I'm going to try?? Tell miss Teagan to get better ASAP!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Mary, Hang in there, you are a great mom with wonderful kids

Anonymous said...

Mary, You are a great mom with wonderful kids. I'm glad you are all living your life.

Mimi Deb