What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

on time this tuesday

edit: Wednesday morning, I am so frustrated with blogger!!! I had my post done yesterday morning and have not been able to finish it because my photos would not upload!!! so I swear, I was done yesterday ;) 

  1. it's been a while since i've actually got my 10 done on Tuesday, and before the sun sets to boot! I feel like we are all finally back into a regular routine and doing well. T still has a bit of a cough but i'll take that any day over her wheezing and general lethargic tone. 
  2. Justin is on week 2 of his new practice. He is doing exceptionally well and has brought in a new client every day. Kudos to him ( i love you babe, and am soo proud of you)!
  3. Yesterday afternoon Koren let me take a few photos of him playing outside with Oscar. I'm not sure what he would do without that dog, they are BEST FRIENDS! 
  4. I worked Monday morning at Belly to Baby! I have been shopping (for the store) for soft, organic cotton clothes for kids and toddlers. I put in an order at Kate Quinn Organics and absolutely cannot wait to get the line in the store! We will also be carrying kee-ka and soon green to grow bottles! love.it! There is just something so wonderful about all natural baby products. I think it's the fact that to me baby's are so fresh and free from everything that as a mom I want to keep them like that for as long as possible. 
  5. This weekend starts the first of 8 straight Saturday photo sessions. Kinda crazy, kinda fun! I guess I really should get my act together and finish my website. 
  6. When I was at IKEA last week I picked up this really cool clothesline type wire system that I am going to hang in Kor's room to hang is art from. The problem is Justin hates for me to put holes in the wall (probably because it takes me a few tries to get it right) and he just is so busy lately that I hate to ask him..I might give it a go this afternoon. I'll post pics if it works out. 
  7. Speaking of artwork, that's what you would think a typical pre-school would send home with the kids right? Not K's. Monday their project was boiling an egg, then letting and cool and peeling the shell off. The end result was a hard-boiled egg which they put in the kid's backpacks only to surprise the parents when they take the bag out of the car hopefully the same day. I'm guessing there were a few stinky cars out there this week. 
  8. T had to miss her 6 month appt. on Tuesday because she is still on meds from being sick last week. When she went in last week she was a WHOPPING 19 pounds. I can't believe this is the same little baby who spent weeks in the hospital and barley hit the 6 pound mark when she came home. She just really loves her moo juice. 
  9. We are starting to talk about birthdays around here. The K-man will be 3 on the 3rd of June and we are thinking of making a trip to San Diego. Ash, I know you would have some good suggestions on what to hit up while we were there, but what about where to stay? Are there any beach houses for rent??? 
  10. Does anyone know what happened to the Magic School Bus cartoon? Koren was really getting into it, then all of the sudden it was replaced by Steve Irwin's daughter Bindi and some crazy knock off show about animals :) :) 
Have a great rest of the week and stay tuned for more blogging fuN!


Sara said...

Koren is looking so mature!! I love his hair like that it is so cute. Your work at Belly to Baby sounds like so much fun and I can't wait to hear more about it.

Ashley said...

love the pics (as always!). i'll send you an email about san diego! sounds like a fun birthday!
