What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Thursday, March 27, 2008

bad bad blogger

I seriously can't believe it's been over a week since i've blogged! 
Horrible. Really, really horrible! 
I'm back on the bandwagon, I PROMISE! I have so much to share, just stay tuned. 
For now, get a glimpse at "biscuit". She is passing up her major milestones left and right. I'm not sure how feel about this, but I love her fat little butt so stinkin much it's crazy! i'm serious...more to come!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

color me happy


Yesterday Koren & I decorated eggs and T took a decent nap. It's such a joy to watch K get into the holidays for the first real time. The past two years he could have cared less but he's finally starting to grasp what each different holiday is about. The only thing he hasn't figured out is the fact that Santa Claus doesn't come to visit every time ;) to be a very SPOILED two year old...

Monday, March 17, 2008

how much longer

will you let me take your photo every afternoon? 

Saturday, March 15, 2008

it's 11:06pm and i'm still...

ONLINE!~ seriously, I think i have a problem. i am a total internetaholic these days. it's horrible, it really is. what did we do before the internet???? 
anyways, tonight i came across a site that i instantly fell in love with: tangled and true go check it out!~ also all my new mom friends and mom to be friends hurry and check out the layette swap in the side bar think section thingy-ma-bob. how cool, i'm signed up and can't wait!! 

ok night night

saturday night live

hi all, just thought i'd pop on and say a quick hello! 
It's saturday night and my brother Donnie is up here at the house playing Wii with J. Teag's is snoozing away in her crib and Kor is having a spendanight with his papo. life is good! 
We had some yummy Casa Tapatia for dinner and the boys had DQ to follow. I just snuck a few bites of Justin's as i'm trying to "be good." 
I went to upload some new pics and BOTH my batteries are dead, i'll try again tomorrow! 

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hi name is Teagan and I am a thumb-sucker. 

I also love it when my mommy dresses me up in a tutu. 

I really love it when my brother puts on my tutu and calls himself ballet boy, but ssshh don't tell daddy ;) :) 

Have a great day everyone!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

on time this tuesday

edit: Wednesday morning, I am so frustrated with blogger!!! I had my post done yesterday morning and have not been able to finish it because my photos would not upload!!! so I swear, I was done yesterday ;) 

  1. it's been a while since i've actually got my 10 done on Tuesday, and before the sun sets to boot! I feel like we are all finally back into a regular routine and doing well. T still has a bit of a cough but i'll take that any day over her wheezing and general lethargic tone. 
  2. Justin is on week 2 of his new practice. He is doing exceptionally well and has brought in a new client every day. Kudos to him ( i love you babe, and am soo proud of you)!
  3. Yesterday afternoon Koren let me take a few photos of him playing outside with Oscar. I'm not sure what he would do without that dog, they are BEST FRIENDS! 
  4. I worked Monday morning at Belly to Baby! I have been shopping (for the store) for soft, organic cotton clothes for kids and toddlers. I put in an order at Kate Quinn Organics and absolutely cannot wait to get the line in the store! We will also be carrying kee-ka and soon green to grow bottles! love.it! There is just something so wonderful about all natural baby products. I think it's the fact that to me baby's are so fresh and free from everything that as a mom I want to keep them like that for as long as possible. 
  5. This weekend starts the first of 8 straight Saturday photo sessions. Kinda crazy, kinda fun! I guess I really should get my act together and finish my website. 
  6. When I was at IKEA last week I picked up this really cool clothesline type wire system that I am going to hang in Kor's room to hang is art from. The problem is Justin hates for me to put holes in the wall (probably because it takes me a few tries to get it right) and he just is so busy lately that I hate to ask him..I might give it a go this afternoon. I'll post pics if it works out. 
  7. Speaking of artwork, that's what you would think a typical pre-school would send home with the kids right? Not K's. Monday their project was boiling an egg, then letting and cool and peeling the shell off. The end result was a hard-boiled egg which they put in the kid's backpacks only to surprise the parents when they take the bag out of the car hopefully the same day. I'm guessing there were a few stinky cars out there this week. 
  8. T had to miss her 6 month appt. on Tuesday because she is still on meds from being sick last week. When she went in last week she was a WHOPPING 19 pounds. I can't believe this is the same little baby who spent weeks in the hospital and barley hit the 6 pound mark when she came home. She just really loves her moo juice. 
  9. We are starting to talk about birthdays around here. The K-man will be 3 on the 3rd of June and we are thinking of making a trip to San Diego. Ash, I know you would have some good suggestions on what to hit up while we were there, but what about where to stay? Are there any beach houses for rent??? 
  10. Does anyone know what happened to the Magic School Bus cartoon? Koren was really getting into it, then all of the sudden it was replaced by Steve Irwin's daughter Bindi and some crazy knock off show about animals :) :) 
Have a great rest of the week and stay tuned for more blogging fuN!

Monday, March 10, 2008


we have definitely been missing in action lately, but we are back! I have so much to get caught up on but when you have a sick kids your priorities change. Here's a quick pic of what our weekend looked like :(

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

i know i'm late, but here's my ten

  1. T is sick...again. Everything that she had before that took a week to build up has hit overnight. She is wheezy and coughing like crazy. Tonight will be a touch and go kinda night and we might be making a trip to the ER if she doesn't get some sleep. ahh this girl, I just pray that this is if for the season. 
  2. I never mentioned Koren's first day of preschool, it went GREAT! He has been asking to go back all week. He will go again on Friday and to him that's just not soon enough. 
  3. I went for quite the run today. I have two friends who are both runners and i'm super eager to try it out. I've always been athletic, but two kids sure takes a toll. I think Justin & I are both going to run the 10k portion of the Wenatchee Marathon/half marathon. I was thinking that I could do the half, but I would rather start small and work up to something bigger and better. Justin is all for joining me, which in the words of K "makes me happy!" 
  4. It was absolutely GORGEOUS today!  After our run the kids and I played outside for a bit. I swear I could have broke out a pair of shorts this afternoon. I have some traveling days coming up so let's just hope that this weather keeps up and winter doesn't come bite us in the butt. 
  5. I am in a sewing slump already. I still have everything sitting out on our bar but with my new "job" I just can't get it together. I love that I have excuses for everything. Basically i've just been too dang lazy. I feel like when I'm home I tend to either gravitate towards the computer or the kitchen.hmm. I'm sure the urge will return so for now the sewing machine looks just fine on the counter. 
  6. Blogger is driving me nuts!!!! I have taken some new video clips with my new Flip camera and I started the upload process and AGAIN- ERROR!!! I couldn't freakin believe it! Then it says to contact blogger with such and such issue and I swear I tried for FOREVER and can't even figure out how to contact them. It's all troubleshooting bs and no real contact info. HELP! 
  7. Have any of my blog readers jumped into blogville?? If you have, please send me a link to YOUR blog so I can add them to my fav. list. 
  8. Today I booked THREE more shoots for this coming month/early Spring. That makes around 8 for the week. CRAZY. BUSY. FUN!!! Can't wait! 
  9. I think Teags' is out, I don't hear her little smoker sounding lungs (totally a smoke-free house) and her monitor is not lighting up. 
  10. We lost last night a soccer. It was kinda a bummer. We were missing a bunch of our guys and we couldn't pull it together. Still fun, and still a good workout. Next week will rock it! 
Have a super fantastic Thursday and tune in for some fun Etsy finds. 
night night

Monday, March 3, 2008

6 months ago today

our little Teag's was born. It was a day i'm not sure I'd like to remember. It was not a glorious birthday of a sweet baby girl, but one of fear and trepidation. We were so unsure of how things would turn out, but by the looks of her I think she surpassed EVERYONES expectations- and then some. This is T 6 months ago, then yes
terday. I just love that girly, I really do. 

Sunday, March 2, 2008

what a weekend

WOW!~ it's almost Monday again. I have no idea what happened this past week. It sorta just disappeared. The past few days have been a little crazy here is the run down: 
  • Thursday night- we headed to Seattle after a quick stop in North Bend. I decided that the outlets have lost a little bit of the excitement that they used to have. It all seems to look like the same stuff in the reg. stores and the same price range as well. I think it was the wrong time of year for outlet shopping and i need to hit them up again at the end of a season. 
  • Friday- Justin was at his education deal so the kids and I headed to Southcenter. We played at the mall for a bit then moved down the road to IKEA. I told just a "little white lie" about Koren's age so he could play in the kids area while Teag's and I shopped. It was HEAVEN. We were there for almost THREE hours! I really really love that place! 
  • Saturday- Belly to Baby store opening. I worked all day and had a fantastic time. My mother was so proud of my retail skills, i think it was the Flanigan in me shining through. On top of selling heaps of merchandise I booked up a calendar full of photo shoots for the coming months. Yay! I'm really looking forward to this adventure in Maternity/Baby store stuff. I feel like it's the perfect fit for me! Teagan was my little sidekick the entire day, and I think she is the reason for half of the stuff I sold. I had her in an Ergo carrier and I must admit that thing ROCKS! For holding a 17 pounder all day I don't think you could find something better. 
  • Today- I had a wonderful photo shoot this morning with little Callahan. He was 3 weeks old and just as cute as could be! We were going to ski after that but decided that with the wind we should just go out to lunch insteat- ha! After lunch we headed up to the driving range for a little golf and back home for a kiddy nap. good day. 
  • tomorrow is K's first day of preschool and teag's 6 month mark! I'll have lots to post so stay tuned!!!!!!