Hi friends and family! Just wanted to stop by and let everyone know that we made it safe and sound to San Diego and are having a FANTASTIC time! Koren and Teagan have been absolutely wonderful travelers and it makes us wonder why it's been so long since we've done a fun trip like this.
The plane ride was smooth and easy, both kids slept the majority of the way and crashed hard when we got home last night. Teag's was the star of both flights, I think she had more admirers than a celeb. would have :P)
Today we hit Sea World this morning, moving between attractions as fast as Koren could pick out a new picture from the map. After we hit meltdown mode (around 1pm) we hopped in the car and went on a dream-ride into town and waited for the kids to wake up and check out the San Diego Zoo. We spent a few hours and barely covered any ground. I'm sure we will be back before the week is up.
Now the boys are in the other room winding down, T is snoozing, and I'm contemplating catching up on editing some recent sessions....hmmm (as well as watching the boob tube).
More updates to come, sorry no new photos as I forget my camera cable at home- I know bummer!