What we love and what captures our curiosity draws us forward into some place of great destiny. 

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kor Ry at 3

here is what is happening in the life of Koren @ the fun age of THREE : 
nicknames: Kor, monkey butt, kk, dude, k-man, brother
height/weight: 29 pounds, 36 inches 
what's new in the past year: became a big brother Sept. 07, loved to go skiing at Mission Ridge, has learned to love "spendanights" at misc. grandparents, has traveled to southern California, has become his mommy's sous chef, mastered his abc's, counting in English & Spanish, singing, outdoor games, and has found a new love for hoses & sprinklers :) POTTY TRAINED!!!
favorite foods: Cheetos (don't laugh, i know it's bad), poppyseed muffins, cheese squares...really he eats anything and everything in small portions
current buddies: Matthew, Preston, Austin, Teagan (is becoming a favorite)
fav. activities: goofing around the house with mom, playing board games, driving his jeep, helping mommy cook dinner & bake, having playdates at the park, going to Target and helping Dad work oustide

You are such a delightful, fun, energetic, imaginative little dude. Thank you for always putting a smile on our faces and being the happy-go-lucky kid that your are! We love you like a fish loves water :) 

Mom & Dad


Katie said...

It looks like Koren is having a great time with his new Jeep! Teag's too. How fun!

Sara said...

I love all these pictures, I'd recommend Teags keeps that helmet on though if Koren is driving!! Hehehe. I can't believe what a little man he is becoming.